Nowadays there are more websites which have only one single web page. Do you own a website with only one web page or do you want rank a website with single page in the top, then this blog is for you.

If you have ever heard that ranking the website with a single web page is difficult, the first thing you have to do is to forget that. Here are the tips you have to follow.

  1. Paginating your single page website
  2. More H1 tags
  3. Increasing the page speed of a single page website
  4. Very Good Content
  5. Link building
  6. Keyword Planning for a single page website
  7. Creating Anchor links
  8. The attractive meta description for a single page website

1. Paginating your single page website

Most of the single page website will be unpaginated. (Pagination is the process of separating the larger content into smaller contents so that it can form more number of pages). Not paginating the site is one of the best SEO tips for a single page site.

Now you may have a question, Once the single page site is paginated it will turn into multiple page site?

Answer for your question is, Yes.

So, we have to paginate our site without implementing the pagination in the architecture so that our single page site will be optimised.

Sounds confusing right?

This is simple, If your single page website is a landing page then you can divide the contents and form different pages like Heading, Thesis, Reviews, About, Contact, etc.,

If your single page site is a product you can have pages like Product, Blog, Reviews, Contact, About, Pricing etc.,

2. More H1 tags

Load your single page website with three to four H1 tags, not more than that.

But, keeping more than one H1 tags on a single page is a bad SEO technique, however, it is a single page website keeping more H1 tags will be helpful in increasing the visibility and increasing the ranking.

Using more H1 tags will help the google algorithms to find a more relevant page by comparing the user phrases with your keywords in H1 tags.

3. Increasing the page speed of a single page website

One of the major factors in the ranking is the page loading speed, this is common for both single page website and multiple page websites.

The page loading speed is something that we cannot change manually, it depends on the hosting in which our domain is hosted.

I would suggest choosing the hosting in your location. If you are in India it is good to choose Indian hosting.

4. Very Good Content

Content is the king in the ranking. Since it is a single page website SEO strategy for this is limited.

All we have is only one page that should rank for all the related keywords, this can be majorly done by quality content with decent keyword density.

You must refresh the content in a time being and update the fresh new content.

5. Link building

Since it is a single page website, it is very tough or impossible to make internal linking. More External linking is also not possible because you will have only one page.

The only way to increase the ranking is to generate back-link for your website. When you are generating backlink don’t get a backlink from all possible website. You need to get the backlink from the site which is related to your niche.

Anchor text in which you are getting the backlink also matters in the ranking. Your anchor should not be over targeting the focus keyword of the page.

Also getting over backlink for the main site is not a healthy one, it should cover all other pages.

6. Keyword Planning for a single page website

Since it is a single page website we will have only one content and so we cannot target many keywords. So huge keyword analysis has to be done before choosing the right keyword. 

When you are choosing the keyword, you should not choose the keyword-based on the search volume alone, because the more the search volume more will be the keyword difficulty.

So you should choose the keyword that has decent search volume and comparatively less difficulty.

Nowadays, Google has become very smarter by implementing great algorithms, so along with the target keyword use LSI keywords in your content.

Don’t over optimise your content by repeating the keywords many times. In the entire content, you can have a keyword density of a maximum of 3 per cent. It is not recommended to go more than that.

SEO is not only targeting the right keywords, but it is also more about relevancy. Your content must be more relevant. More the relevancy more will be the ranking.

7. Creating Anchor links

Anchor links are the links that will help you in migrating to the specific part of the content.

Since our site has a large content it will be difficult for the user to scroll down to the required part of the content so this anchor link will be helpful in overcoming that. 

Google will crawl this anchor links also, so use this opportunity for ranking.

More than helping in ranking it will create good user experience by avoiding confusion during navigation.

8. Attractive meta description for a single page website

In your single page site, all the  SEO techniques are good, it has good backlink and it also started ranking in the first.

But you don’t have the proper meta description, What will happen??

Obviously, people won’t click your website and all of the sudden your click-through rate will go down, once your CTR goes down then google will assume that your site is irrelevant and stop ranking in the first page.

Some general points about single page website

  • It performs well in mobile and has a good mobile experience
  • With single page website, you can easily target the specific audience
  • You can’t target many keywords
  • SEO techniques are limited.